The great combiantion in 2 days 1 night for you to visit Chiang Rai with the famous attraction site. Visit the hot spring wher the local still using for their daily life. See the famouse Whit temple with the elaborate Thai art decoration as well as the Golden Toilet! Blue temple with the bright bule color decoration which fuses modern art with Buddhism. Visit Mae Sai, one of the Thai-Myanmar border where the locals between the 2 countries contact for trading. See view point of Khun Nam Nang Non or Doi Nang Non the slepping lady mountain where the big news of the suvivors of the 13 boys from the Thai youth football team were recued. The beautiful King Rama th 9th's mother's palace. The famous balck house and the Golden Triangle. The trip is perfect trip for you in 2 days 1 night round Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai.